2022 March 27 Bogota
A huge shout out to Eric & Sherry Solomov and the wonderful staff at the Bogota Press Cafe, for hosting the first Bikes & Breakfast Bogota. Weather may have been a little chilly but the comroderie was warm! The food and coffe was great many comments on people making return trips, Bogota Press Cage will be hosting every fourth Sunday of the month. We have a nice collection of photos below from people to glamor shots and just a plain out photo dump hope we got a pic of you and your bike, see you next week at the 9w in the Palisades or back here in a few weeks.

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'

Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfa RSX II'